Discover the Beauty

Of the Dominican Republic

a couple of people sitting on top of a large rock
a couple of people sitting on top of a large rock
First of all

Why Choose LomaShape

With our expert guides, carefully chosen routes, and commitment to sustainability and responsible tourism, we offer a unique and unforgettable experience that showcases the best of the Dominican Republic.

white and gray metal tube on brown grass near body of water during daytime
white and gray metal tube on brown grass near body of water during daytime
Not to mention

Explore the Beauty of the Dominican Republic

Experience the thrill of backpacking and the wonder of traditional excursions in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Join us for an unforgettable adventure filled with breathtaking views and unforgettable memories.

man standing on top of mountain facing mountain view
man standing on top of mountain facing mountain view
And let's not forget

Our Excursions

We offer a range of backpacking and traditional excursions designed to showcase the natural beauty and cultural richness of the Dominican Republic. Explore hidden gems, meet friendly locals, and create unforgettable memories.

person in green and black jacket and black pants standing on brown wooden bridge during daytime
person in green and black jacket and black pants standing on brown wooden bridge during daytime

About LomaShape

LomaShape is a company dedicated to organizing backpacking excursions and traditional excursions in the Dominican Republic. We are committed to sustainable, responsible tourism and providing our guests with an unforgettable experience.

Experience the Beauty of the Dominican Republic with LomaShape

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